Backpack & Hiking

Young Backpacker
Backpacking is one of my favorite ways to explore and learn about the Earth. Because you are forced to move at a walk, you have the chance to look at things, to wonder and speculate. Once you become familiar with the small amount you can put in your pack, and you realize that you have everything you need with you, your mind is at liberty to enjoy the freedom of a slow pace.
Grand Canyon and the Colorado Plateau
Slot Canyon
This region is a wonder for the backpacker. From lofty peaks to narrow slot canyons and everything in between, there is no better landscape in which to be on your feet. The Earth’s processes become obvious as you make your way through the faults and folds of the land. The relationships between the geologic world and the biological communities living in these landscapes make more sense, as you are forced to live by the same rules. Archeological sites become more than just academic, as you yourself are a dweller, for a time, in these lands.
Backpack Dinner
I run trips for Grand Canyon Field Institute and Glen Canyon Field School in this region. Both organizations run educational trips of all kinds; largely backpacking-based courses in the natural and human history of the region. Grand Canyon Field Institute focuses on the Grand Canyon, while Glen Canyon Field School centers its offerings around Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and the Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness. Both organizations offer a variety of classes for all physical abilities. You don’t have to be an experienced backpacker, but you’ll need to pick the course that’s right for your level of experience. You can choose from available trips that I will be leading, or we can create a specialty trip for your group.